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Discover Laryssa

Dawson Portfolio

Portfolio: Welcome

Creative Writing

This course explored writing fiction as a therapeutic act and allowed the class to get a taste of every form of creative writing: fiction, poetry, playwriting and even songwriting. By learning about poetry writing, I developed a new respect for songwriting as an art of imagery and depiction. It allowed me to create these few lines which reached a little out of my comfort zone.

Portfolio: Text

Winter 2020, Laryssa Marion

I still taste the sound of your name on the tip of my tongue 
Feel the pads of your fingers where they belong 
Oh how I wish I’d have spoken my mind 
Then maybe you would finally be mine

Portfolio: Quote

Computer Music & Sound Art

This course gave me a taste of producing my own music through the use of the program “Logic”. Through the use of loops, I was introduced to the basics of music production and acquainted with terms such as EQ, delay, reverb, and many more. I understood the foundations of a good song (a lead, bass, drum), the structure, and overall I got to experience firsthand how difficult it was to piece a song together from start to finish.

Portfolio: Text
Portfolio: Music Player

Triple Crown Competition 2019

In 2019, I participated in the intercollegiate competition of “Triple Crown” which was held at the Champlain College auditorium. I performed as a dancer and won the Outstanding Originality award for myself and Dawson College. This performance constituted an epiphany for me, when the crowd cheered for me, I realized that on stage is where I belonged. I felt alive in the best way possible. It was also the first time I had won any kind of award for a talent of mine so that only worked to settle the verdict that this is what I needed to be doing. This extracurricular event is one of my fondest memories of my time at Dawson and I don't think my college experience would've been the same without it. Moreover, it shaped me into the performer I am today and I wouldn't be as confident without this.

Portfolio: Text
Portfolio: HTML Embed
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